Friday, February 27, 2015


“The flesh has us dancing in the flames of hell, leading us to believe we are in heaven.”  As we approach the reality of what was started by the devil himself, placing this lie of a reality in us cut off from God, through the fall of Adam, what we see is the flames growing higher around us closing in on our narrow idea of it all.  We wonder in amazement as we see these flame spread, we wonder what more will it take before a sleeping world wakes up; the smell of smoke always warns of coming fire.  You may not see the flames, yet the smoke is undeniable.  Your senses will one day awake to what scriptures have warned us of, “fire is stored for the end times.”  The floods we see occurring worldwide, should remind us of God’s PROMISE; a promise that what a worldwide flood once did, the coming fire will not be allowed to consume all flesh.  There will be those that will survive the coming wrath of God upon a Christ rejecting world.   The question is, as once said in a famous movie scene “Dirty Harry” – Harry Callahan: “ I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Do you feel lucky?  Do you have what it takes to survive when so many around you will perish?  Will your “self-efforts” of building a bunker, stocking it with food, arming it to the teeth to assure you aren’t raided by those who didn’t prepare; are you hidden enough that no one, which includes the Government and people in general, won’t know where you are.  Are you high enough to avoid a flood or low enough to survive a nuclear blast?  Will what you have prepared last 3 ½ years or 7 years?  Maybe you will get lucky and God cuts these days short; if this is what you believe you must do, then PRAY, and I mean really pray that you have what it takes to survive.  Or – you can consider what the Lord has done to make you “WORTHY” to escape these things soon to come upon this world.  And don’t thing your worthiness has anything to do with your efforts.  If that is what you believe, you might as well join the secular world and their ideas of escape; because to be honest, none of us of our own self-effort, ideas of righteousness, would stand the test.  Only ONE past that text and only the 24 elders and Angels in Rev. had enough sense to know that WORTHY IS THE LAMB.  How did they know this?  There were members of God’s Called out Assembly that taught this to them.  I know, because I have been doing this because there appears to be no one else that wants to hear it.  Each has his or her ideas of deliverance.  So ask yourself punk, Do you feel lucky?
Figure it out with this definition of PUNK.    (Punk – young inexperienced person; very poor in quality; something uttered or proposed that seems senseless or absurd; one who is just entering a field in which he has no previous experience; a rough or unruly person often taking part in bullying or violent behavior.)
In other words, the definition is saying, “Do some reflective thinking, gain the needed experience; show yourself to be one who is of a better quality and can see through what others are advocating to escape what is coming.  See how what is being uttered or proposed, to be senseless or absurd, realizing that any effort on our part is and will be countered by the Powers that be, to gain their agenda of control.  Own up to the fact that you maybe just entering this field in which you have had no previous experience, that is, that you are aware of; realizing you have been bullied, condition to believe anything that has comes down the pike; or have neglected to even consider that there might be a need to escape.  Again, it is conditioning that gives you the idea that everything is O.K. and will work itself out.  Or you find yourself going to the other extreme, following those that advocate violent behavior to solve that which without a doubt is happening around you; which behavior only adds to the problem. 
Somewhere in this experience you will have to stop and do some real reflective thinking and realize that it would take an act of God to solve our current problems, and that no man or women could solve it; nor any political party or form of Government could do what this God only could do.  Of course, today this debated idea of God has become part of our problem.  It comes down to experiencing “personally” a real communication with this God, one on one, and not going with any idea out there which turns this God into some form of impersonal force or religious idea so divided that it leaves you more confused then you once were. 
So, simply do this; Ask, seek, and knock at this God’s door and allow this God to speak to you, revealing just who He is, beyond anything you might have heard.  You will discover that there have been those who have come to know Him as you have experienced and will support you in the need to escape.

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth; here is my Youtube channel that will assist you in escaping anything this world might want to throw at you..Paul Woodward

    If this link doesn't come up, simply go to Youtube and search for daydawner
