Monday, March 2, 2015


It was Paul the Apostle who was given the task of revealing, “The Mystery.”  Don’t let what you might think you know about this mystery, hinder your seeing what I am about to share with you.  We all have heard it said, that it is “Christ in you;” this was what Paul revealed to us.  Knowing what we know or heard about this, we would wonder, “what is so mysterious about this?”  By the time I get done with this article you will see just how mysterious a matter it really was, and to some still is.  Remember, the Greek word for mystery is said to be “something there, though hidden; it was always there, yet until God revealed this mystery through Paul, it remained hidden.
I called this article, “Stay in the Mystery.”  I will explain why I called it this in the following paragraphs.  I will start with the case of David committing adultery with Bathsheba. (I Samuel chapter 11).  After this mess he found himself in, he “sees” something that touches this mystery; David, seeing what I will now share with you, has it said of him, “that he was a man after God’s own heart.”  Looking at the mess he created with Bathsheba, not only adultery and getting her pregnant, but also the murder of her husband Uriah, though indirectly, of having her husband sent to the “most fierce battle” where it was certain that he would perish, to cover his actions;  hearing it said that he was a man after God’s own heart might puzzle you.  How could a person doing what he did, be called this?  On top of that, the law was that if a person was caught in adultery, both parties would be stoned to death.  Think; why wasn’t David and Bathsheba stone to death?  Did he claim diplomatic immunity as you seeing happening today in many government positions?  No, he was not exempt; the law back then, with their understanding of it, was for all.  So the question remains, “how does he get away with what he did?”  Who says that he did? 
Notice I underlined, “with their understanding of it,” in reference to the law; in this case the Ten Commandments and those other laws God gave to Israel.  What David saw, which saves him, has something to do with one’s outlook on the INTENT OF THE LAW.  With his old idea of the intent of the law, David sought to hid, cover up, what he had done, to avoid being stoned to death.  It took the Prophet Nathan confronting David to expose this cover up. (I Samuel 12)  Think again on this; many a prophet after exposing various individuals would grab a sword and slay that individual.  Why didn’t Nathan slay David? 
Let me now get to my point.  Upon being exposed, David didn’t start making excuses to justify his actions.  That’s where it all starts; honest confession to the truth.  David expresses this in Psalm 51 in these words, “Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me..”  After you see what it was that David was saying; it is seeing this that will KEEP YOU IN CHRIST.  Remember,“in Christ, there is no more condemnation.”  Step outside of this “IN CHRIST” and condemnation has a field day with you.  How do we step outside of being “in Christ?”  Well, first, as we have already revealed, you will seek to hide or cover up what you clearly know was wrong.  Or, if caught, start making excuses to justify, or point the blame to someone else.  Understand this, it is said that the Law is good; it is good only in that it reveals levels of our problem hoping to lead us to the TRUE SOURCE of why we do what we do.  The law, in and of its self, is not the answer.  The answer comes with the TRUTH; not lies and excuses.  So, what is this truth?  Let me put it in the way that I have put it, which expresses what David saw back then; “If you were born on this planet, you have a problem.”  Whether you want to see this or not, simply because you were born on this planet “YOU ARE BORN UNDER THE WRATH OF GOD.”  If you see this revealed, and don’t start making excuse or deny this, “hold down this truth with a lie, you will gain “EXCESS TO BEING IN CHRIST”.  Once there, there would no longer be any condemnation and a need to hide or make excuses.  For some, just the mention of God and the Bible, sets them off; they start attacking you in defense.  Defense again what?  Defense of being exposed; not particularly by any certain sin, just the fact that at that moment you can’t say that you are good.  Hopefully, you begin to understand what scriptures means with it says, “there is NONE that does good, not one.”
What have I said thus far?  Let me say it right out;  you who are reading this, without a doubt,  to some degree or another, have at one time or another did something wrong.  You might still have this hanging over your head; the guilt of that wrong. Oh, you might be good at hiding it through your justification and excuses; or comparing your “sin” against another’s sin thinking your sin wasn’t “that bad.”  But the truth is, that you at that moment were “holding the truth down with a lie.”  So what is this truth and your lie?  The truth is that by your very nature you will do what you do; it’s as if you were programmed to self destruct.  Now understand, you might spend a life time getting away with it all; but know this, “some men’s sins precede them, others follow.”  Your day of reckoning is coming either in this life or the life to come.  You want to be found in Christ; His mercy and grace and unconditional love; a promise God established before the world ever began, revealed to a man named Abraham.  This promise was given 430 years before the Ten Commandment or any other law was given; and all these laws DO NOT cancel out God’s Promise to forgive us.  There is no need to hide or make excuses – whatever you have done was forgiven before the foundations of this world and its ideas.  The world around you will either seek to judge you or condone what you have done; but they miss coming to understand what I have just shared.  Come to understand this truth, and stay in it!
Now hear what I just said, expressed in Psalm 51 by David;
Psalm 51:1 “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgression.”
Mercy is God’s holding back what we deserve.  David admitted his wrong and asked for God’s mercy.  In replacement of his transgression, he asked for God’s UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which is seen in the words, loving kindness, and multitude of tender mercies.  David goes so far as to ask to have his transgression BLOTTED OUT.
51:2 “Wash me thoroughly from mine INIQUITY, and cleanse me from my sin.”
You see David tracing his particular iniquity to its source, that of SIN.  Note, it is not sin-s, it is speaking to the source of all sins, our Adamic nature.  Seeing this, David is expressing the Mystery Paul later on in history reveals, “the Lamb of God that TAKES AWAY, the “sin” of the world.”  As in Hebrews it is called “the sin that so easily besets us – other words the source of our actions.  What is taken away UNCOVERS what is in us, Christ in us, the hope of ever coming to glory; glory implying restoring what Adam lost, “Crowned with glory or unfallen state.”
51:3 “For I ACKNOWLEDGE my transgression; and my sin is ever before me.”
This was an eye opening moment for David.  By his not making excuses, he acknowledging his particular transgression, its true source for the first time in his life “is ever before him.”
51:4 “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight; thou mightiest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.”
It’s not enough that we hurt and offend one another, but what we do, which is far worst, is that our actions are hurting and offending God Himself.  All this fell on the Man, Christ Jesus.
51:5 “Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.”
What was David’s mother’s sin?  SHE WAS BORN ON THIS PLANET JUST LIKE ALL OF US.  That sin, in the form of iniquity, is inherited from generation to generation.  The fallen nature of Adam, we all gained through the loins of that first couple is passed on by future parents.  We are shaped after this desire to act independent from God (sin), in all that we do, good or bad.  “Whatever is not of faith (consulting God on the matter) is sin.”
51:6 “Behold thou desirest TRUTH in the INWARD PARTS; and in the HIDDEN part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
THIS IS WHAT DAVID SAW; that the Mystery is hidden in the inward parts, Christ in you; the wisdom and knowledge of God is in Christ, and Christ is in you.  Why would we be commanded to “work OUT our salvation, with fear and trembling,” if there wasn’t anything in us to work out or come to light?  Surely it wasn’t saying we save ourselves by self efforts; we know this isn’t true, because if salvation comes by the law, then grace is no longer grace.  As I have said, the only purpose of the law was to bring us to what I have just shared, to reveal to us that HIDDEN in us, which God placed, this salvation, before the foundations of the world – Christ in you, the hope of glory!
51:7-8 “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
MAKE ME TO HEAR JOY and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

The JOY of our salvation, to hear what I have just shared with you, is our coming to DISCOVER THE MYSTERY; that this whole matter of this experience, sin and sins, right and wrong, good and bad, has its mark of deliverance established before the foundations of the world, and is something GOD DID, unconditionally ONCE FOR ALL….Christ slain before the foundations of the world.  This rings the music of JOY echoing throughout eternity.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Here is a situation, if you were ever in it, just an example to show what the Lord is offering.  If you were a nurse today, and they said that it was mandatory that you get this flu shot that has been proven to not work, or gives you the flu, what would you do?  We read of those who are refusing, and thus lose their job as a nurse.  Is there a BETTER WAY?  In what the Lord is sharing, you would take the shot, knowing what has been said of it, BUT your taking the shot would have NO EFFECT on you.  Same applies to your children and the school system making this flu shot mandatory.  They are saying that if you child doesn't get the flu shot, they can’t return to school.   They are doing this.  What do you do?  Well, you could pull you children out of the school system and home school them as some have done.  Nothing wrong with this.  I know many aren't home schooling them for this reason, they have other reasons.  But, for those that would do this for this reason, what would you do when they come to you house and demand that ALL school aged children must take this shot?  With what the Lord is offering, you are covered if you get the shot or not.  It isn't His way of handling it. 

Alternative News is advocating that you refuse the shot.  Main stream News is fighting this saying take it, and soon, the Government will make it MANDATORY that “ALL” get various shots “for your own safety, and for the well being of this nation”,…..imagine this coming!  What would you do to endure?  Understand, this is before this Mark of the Beast and the warning to not take of this mark.  I am not addressing this, because WE WILL NOT BE HERE FOR THIS, no matter what others are saying.  If you believe this is the case, or will happen, then all that I can say is, you will get what you got; but think, what have you got?  If you stay here your only choice will be to die.
Now hear this expression the Lord gave to me…
“As stupid as Caesar is, “Give Caesar what is Caesar, and what is God’s, to God.”  Apply this principle to what is happening today, and God will sustain you.  Fight Caesar, and you will die; blindly join Caesar and you will die.  STAY IN THE SPIRIT AND YOU WILL LIVE….Got it!



“He leads me in the path of His righteousness for His NAME SAKE.”
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.”

That was all that I heard; not the whole Sheppard’s prayer, just these excerpts which stood out in light of our e-mails, which are “the path of His righteousness – His warning us, which He does for His Name Sake, or His promise, a promise that He swore, “with an oath and promise, in that He could sware by none higher, He swore by His OWN NAME, that He would protect us,…God’s Name is at stake…if we hold Him to this promise HE MUST KEEP IT.  When I say “Stay in the spirit” I am screaming “call God to His promise!!...remind Him of it, and you will be protected, you and your family.  We are presently “walking through the valley of the shadow of death, and as time progresses the valley will deepen….”WE fear no evil…why?  Because we have held Him to His promise.”  

This written e-mail just doesn’t express what I am feeling at this moment….I am feeling joy but also sorrow for those around me – joy for those I know He will protect, but sorrow for those who haven’t a clue of what is really happening.  Paul