Sunday, March 1, 2015


Here is a situation, if you were ever in it, just an example to show what the Lord is offering.  If you were a nurse today, and they said that it was mandatory that you get this flu shot that has been proven to not work, or gives you the flu, what would you do?  We read of those who are refusing, and thus lose their job as a nurse.  Is there a BETTER WAY?  In what the Lord is sharing, you would take the shot, knowing what has been said of it, BUT your taking the shot would have NO EFFECT on you.  Same applies to your children and the school system making this flu shot mandatory.  They are saying that if you child doesn't get the flu shot, they can’t return to school.   They are doing this.  What do you do?  Well, you could pull you children out of the school system and home school them as some have done.  Nothing wrong with this.  I know many aren't home schooling them for this reason, they have other reasons.  But, for those that would do this for this reason, what would you do when they come to you house and demand that ALL school aged children must take this shot?  With what the Lord is offering, you are covered if you get the shot or not.  It isn't His way of handling it. 

Alternative News is advocating that you refuse the shot.  Main stream News is fighting this saying take it, and soon, the Government will make it MANDATORY that “ALL” get various shots “for your own safety, and for the well being of this nation”,…..imagine this coming!  What would you do to endure?  Understand, this is before this Mark of the Beast and the warning to not take of this mark.  I am not addressing this, because WE WILL NOT BE HERE FOR THIS, no matter what others are saying.  If you believe this is the case, or will happen, then all that I can say is, you will get what you got; but think, what have you got?  If you stay here your only choice will be to die.
Now hear this expression the Lord gave to me…
“As stupid as Caesar is, “Give Caesar what is Caesar, and what is God’s, to God.”  Apply this principle to what is happening today, and God will sustain you.  Fight Caesar, and you will die; blindly join Caesar and you will die.  STAY IN THE SPIRIT AND YOU WILL LIVE….Got it!

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